Monday, September 26, 2011

Post 31: TGS

Damn, I haven't written a post in awhile.  Additionally, it's going to be sparse in the next week or two as I'm getting married to the love of my life on Saturday and will be spending copious amounts of time with her.  For today, however, I wanted to briefly go over some of the cool things that were at the Tokyo Game Show in the past few days.

New Excitement.  Gotta love New Sensations too.

My favorite of the TGS?  Steel fucking Battalion.  I believe that I've already commented on how this game had a huge-ass giant robot controller when it came out for the original Xbox and it was glorious.  Painful, but glorious.  Nothing beats controlling a giant robot with your body via the Kinect.  This system has allowed for the creation of games that have never before been controlled with the body, and it shines the most at events like this one.

Without the white hair, he just looks funny.
Devil May Cry.  That's all we really need to hear.  The franchise is awesome and the plot of the games consists of a half-demon half-human hero with dual pistols and an array of bladed weapons saving the world again and again.  Capcom has always done a wonderful job with this series and I'm anticipating an exceptional return with the newest.  From what I understand the game takes us back to Dante's past when he was younger and more unbalanced.  It sounds like the game is going to be a wonderful, intense ride through this fun character's history.

Another highly anticipated title that's similar to Devil May Cry's style of gameplay is Ninja Gaiden 3.  Hayabusa's back in a big way.  The stylish ninja is slowing down a bit.  Instead of the super-high paced action that we saw in the last couple of games, it appears that this third installment will instead focus more on developing the character and connecting them more firmly with the player.  Besides DMC, this game has some of the most stunning visuals during combat that I saw in all of the trailers I had a chance to look at from TGS.  Also, who doesn't love ninjas fighting huge robots?  There's nothing better.

The last game that I wanted to talk about is Street Fighter X Tekken.  I have some reservations about this game.  I can't see the super fast controls of Street Fighter meshing that well with the slower pace of Tekken.  Also, in my mind, I've always seen Street Fighter as more of a quirky set of characters rather than a more serious take on fighting games that we have previously been privy to with the Tekken games.  I'm anticipating that this game will be little more than a novelty, similar to the Marvel VS Capcom series.  However, the developers contend that the cooperation between the two teams has created an experience worth purchasing.

In any case it appears like the Tokyo Game Show didn't have much to offer that E3 hadn't previously debuted, but it's still a good time.  The cosplay, the merchandise, the demos, the trailers, the artwork, everything is all part of the experience.  And guess what?  TGS is even open to the public after a period of time.  If I'm ever in Tokyo at the same time as this is going on I'm fairly certain that I will be there every single day that I can, and if you've already been able to go, well, good for you, ass.  I'm not jealous or anything.

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