Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Top Ten Skyrim Dislikes

As I said they would be, here are my top ten dislikes from Skyrim:

10) Graphical glitches in this game are few and far between, but they still happen.  The one that amuses me the most is when you mine.  When you activate a vein of ore, you just kind of slide into position to mine it no matter what's in your way.  I slid through mushrooms and even the floor to mine some iron ore.  Now that's dedication.

9) Dual-wielding is a bit awkward, and I know I mentioned it as something that I love, but there are parts that I don't like.  The power attacks are cumbersome and make you flail all over the place while the normal attacks are slow at first.  Of course you can increase the speed with a perk, but that's a different story altogether.

8) Giants; those fuckers are huge!  I don't mind big enemies, but the giants are just so damn difficult no matter what setting you're on.  The attacks shake your screen and cause confusion as well as a hell of a lot of damage.  Add that in with a herd of mammoths and you are just fucked.

7) The transportation in the game is limited and walking everywhere is just a pain in the ass.  Even when you get the Dark Brotherhood horse or buy your own at a stables, the only thing it's really good for is fighting!  I swear that the horses run out of stamina faster than you and run only slightly faster than you.  So when you're going to a location that you haven't discovered yet, have fun walking your ass there.

6) Food is a huge waste of time.  Sure it makes the game more realistic, and it's kind of fun making grilled salmon, but it's fucking worthless.  It's just dead weight in your pack.  Potions weigh less and pack a greater punch.  Now if food crafting was a skill and the food gave you some properties like potions, then it would be worth it.

5) There are so many Draugr and it gets boring fighting them.  I mean really, I know that they're a big part of Skyrim culture and tradition, but why the hell do I fight forty of them in basically every dungeon?  Give me some more variety.  Also, stop allowing them to Shout weapons out of my hands!  I lost some pretty damn good weapons that way.

4) I find that the weapon skill trees are disappointing.  I know that there's not much you can do with the weapon perks, but both the two-handed and one-handed trees are the same and offer very little in the way of variety.  You can either choose to continue to increase damage or level up your power attacks.  Lame.

3) The shopkeepers have absolutely no money.  It's ridiculous!  I can't unload even one dungeon's worth of items at three different shops that all buy different things!  I can hardly sell the potions that I make while leveling up my alchemy skill that I don't want.  There are perks to increase the money that the shops have, but why can't their funds scale with your level?

2) I was really hoping that now that we're in Skyrim, we'd see more of a variety of armor and weapon types, but I'm disappointed here again. We really only see the same ones that we've seen before with the addition of Ancient Nord, Skyforge Steel, and a few others, but really they're just palette swapped with other types in the game.

1) My number one complaint with this game is the goddamn dragons.  That's right, I really don't like how they are unscripted.  I could be just running along, minding my own business while killing some bandits, and a fucking dragon pops up and makes me sit there shooting at it until it lands and then I have to kill it.  This happens way too frequently to be fun and until you beat the main questline, you don't have a way to get the damn things out of the sky, you just need to wait until they land, if they ever do.  It's too bad that my main problem with the game had to be the major enemies, but what can you do?

All in all, I love Skyrim and even if I get bombarded with dragons every 15 minutes, I'm still going to keep playing.

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