Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day Seven: Pioneer's Syndrome

Nintendo has always attempted to be an innovator in the field of video gaming.  Just take a look at the Power Glove or ROB the Robot.  The problem with being that innovative is that pioneers usually die.  Think of the Donner Party or what can happen when you play Oregon Trail.

Nintendo has dysentary and left ROB and the Power Glove dead on the trail.  Over the years, more and more peripherals came out, each one improving on the last, but all suffering from what I call Pioneer's Syndrome.  Even the Wii suffers from it.

The Kinect holds an easy first place over the Wii in the motion gaming department.  It's like, why wave a stick around when you could be punching the shit out of zombies?  The whole point of the discusion is Nintendo's latest invention, the Wii U.

First off, what the fuck kind of name is the Wii U?  Am I going to the Wii University so I can learn to play the piece of crap?  So the idea is that it's essentially a Wii with updated graphics, backwards compatibility, and a tablet controller.  To be fair, the tablet controller is fairly complex and pretty neat, but why the fuck do I need it?  Nintendo already has a successful line of portable devices, so why would I need to "take my game with me"?  It's like they took their two most successful franchises to date and slapped 'em together.  A tablet craze may be starting in the mobile world, but it doesn't justify making an entire system designed to work with it when you already have the DS, DSi, and 3DS to dominate the market.  Take a look at the thing for yourself and decide how you feel.  For myself, though, nothing will ever beat a controller, your console, and your TV.  After all, isn't that what it's all about?

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